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"Legend of Ironhead Haynes" (0821)
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Last update February 26, 2006
Episode title: Legend of Ironhead Haynes
Episode production code: 0821
Episode # in production code order: 178
Episode # in true US premiere order: 179
Episode # in old US premiere order: 180
US premiere date: May 1, 1994
US premiere time: 9 pm
US premiere rating: 10.7
Written by Katherine Green
Directed by Gerry Cohen
First camera shot: Peggy and Kelly are finishing a snack.
Synopsis: When a fat woman's complaint forces Al to stop insulting his
customers, he and his men's club "NO MA'AM" (National Organization
of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood), seek out a legendary guru of
machismo to teach them how to battle political correctness.
Recurring character cast:
Aaron: Hill Harper
Officer Dan: Dan Tullis, Jr.
Bob Rooney: E.E. Bell
Barney: Steve Susskind
Roger: Christopher Collins ( 1995)
Guest cast:
Ironhead Haynes: Waylon Jennings ( 2002)
Woman #2: Sheila Grenham
General note: Katherine Green is listed as the sole Executive Producer for this episode.
The end credits feature Al sneaking into the garage to get
food from a hidden refrigerator. Last episode with Aaron.
Ironhead Haynes' Nine Commandments:
1. It's okay to call hooters "knockers" and sometimes "snack trays."
2. It is wrong to be French.
3. It's okay to put all bad people in a giant meat grinder.
4. Lawyers: see rule three.
5. It is okay to drive a gas guzzler if it helps you get babes.
6. Everyone should car pool but me.
7. Bring back the word "stewardesses"
8. Synchronized Swimming is not a sport.
9. Mudwrestling is a sport.
Influences and references: The episode title is inspired by the song "Ballad Of Ira Hayes" by Johnny Cash.
The highest mountain Illinois is Charles Mound (1235 ft).
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