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"The D'Arcy Files" (0820)
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Last update January 9, 2002
Episode title: The D'Arcy Files
Episode production code: 0820
Episode # in production code order: 177
Episode # in true US premiere order: 176
Episode # in old US premiere order: 177
US premiere date: March 20, 1994
US premiere time: 9 pm
US premiere rating: 9.8
Written by Ilunga Adell
Directed by Gerry Cohen
First camera shot: The Bundy house, Al and Peggy are watching the opening of a new
baseball season.
Synopsis: Jefferson reveals his secret past as a spy to Marcy, and Al gets an
offer for a $50,000 reward from the man who is trying to find him.
Guest cast:
Walter Traugott: Robert Mandan
General note: The end credits feature Buck watching baseball on TV. Jefferson replaces Peter Lawford
on the Rat Pack picture.
Influences: The episode title is inspired by the series "The X-Files".
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© Andreas Carl 2002