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"No Chicken, no Check" (0806)
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Last update January 28, 2003
Episode title: No Chicken, no Check
Episode production code: 0806
Episode # in production code order: 163
Episode # in true US premiere order: 162
Episode # in old US premiere order: 163
US premiere date: October 10, 1993
US premiere time: 9 pm
US premiere rating: 10.7
Written by Ralph Farquhar
Directed by Tony Singletary
First camera shot: Kelly and Bud enter.
Synopsis: Confident they can share, Kelly and Bud pool their money to buy
a car, which both want - but neither will surrender - for drive-in
movie dates.
Guest cast:
Neuter: Sean O'Bryan
Sonja: Vaitiare / Vaitiare Hirshon / Vaitiare Bandera
Jake: Lou Bonacki
General note: Bud's middle name is given as "Franklin".
Music: Al sings "Buffalo Gals" and a variation of "Amazing Grace".
Kelly's boyfriend: Neuter
References: The episode title is inspired by the song "No Woman, No Cry" by Bob Marley.
DVD: Information at Bundyology's DVD page.
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