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"Peggy and the Pirates" (0718)
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Last update April 1, 2002
Episode title: Peggy and the Pirates
Episode production code: 0718
Episode # in production code order: 149
Episode # in true US premiere order: 148
Episode # in old US premiere order: 149
US premiere date: February 28, 1993
US premiere time: 9 pm
Taping date: February 19, 1993
US premiere rating: 12.4
US premiere share: 18
Written by Richard Gurman
Directed by Gerry Cohen
First camera shot: A painting of a sailing ship.
Synopsis: Peg narrates her own pirate fantasy and stars as a captive princess
(Scarlet), with Jefferson as her prince (Paco), Al as her captor
(and later rescuer) pirate Captain Courage, and Marcy's ex-husband
Steve as the evil pirate Rubio the Cruel, who's feared for his
terrible showtune singing as much as anything else. The crew is
rounded out by Bud, as Fluvio the hunchback First Mate, Kelly as
the Navigator, Marcy as the Cabin Boy-girl, and Buck as Long John
Buck. Meanwhile, Al has a battle of his own with an overflowed
Recurring character cast:
Steve Rhoades: David Garrison (his second reappearance since he left the regular cast)
Seven: Shane Sweet
Guest cast:
Black Bob: Eric Menyuk
Black Ben: Gene LeBell
Black Bert: Frank Lloyd
General note: The last show with Seven. The end credits are over
a picture showing Captain Courage and Princess Scarlet. Peggy & Al have sex.
Music: Rubio the Cruel sings "I Am the Pirate King", dancing an Irish jig and "I
Am the Very Model of A Modern Major-General", both from The Pirates
of Penzance, and "The Trolley Song".
Influences: The episode title is influenced by the comic strip "Terry and the Pirates".
The episode is a parody on Married... with Children itself, along with
No Pot to Pease in (0909).
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