Al's Sidekicks

Last update December 11, 2005

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Luke Ventura
4 actual appearances
Al's sidekick from 0101 to 0107. His disappearance is never explained, but his face reappears in 0925 on the cover of "Shoe News" magazine. He's a swinging single and Peggy hates him.

Jim Bower
0 actual appearances
He was only mentioned as Al's sidekick on 0405, but he was never shown.

Aaron Mitchell
5 actual appearances
Al's sidekick from 0808 to 0821. Just like Al did he plays for the Polk High Panthers football team. His disappearance isn't explained, either.

1 actual appearance
Al's sidekick in 0822 when he had to be vitalised after a fat customer fell on him.

44 actual appearances
Al's sidekick from 0904 on. Read more about him on the NO MA'AM page.

Thanks a lot to "Access Denied", Sagy Neumann (il), Christian Zelger (it),Grail (uk) and Gilberto Cortés.

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