
Last update April 1, 2007

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Miranda Vera Cruz de la Hoya Cardenal - seen for the first time in 0905 - is from Ecuador (indicated in 0913). Have a look at Miranda in all of her episodes. The spelling of her name is not clear. Teresa Parente, the actress playing Miranda, spells it Miranda Vera Cruz de la Jolla Cardenal at her own website. But she is credited inconsistently, e.g. Miranda Cardinal (1021) or Miranda Veracruz de Cardinale (1102). The script of 1102 spells it Miranda Vera Cruz de la Hoya Cardenal, so I guess that's correct. Miranda works for Channel 83 (1004) and/or WHBZ (0913, 1006). Channel 83 was also featured in 0419 and 0707. You can see Miranda in 0905, 0906, 0913, 0920, 1004, 1006, 1021, 1025 and 1102.

In episode 920 (Ship Happens, Part II)


Thanks a lot to "Access Denied", Sagy Neumann (il), Christian Zelger (it),Grail (uk) and Gilberto Cortés.

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