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"User Friendly" (0923)
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Last update March 15, 1999
Episode title: User Friendly
Episode production code: 0923
Episode # in production code order: 206
Episode # in true US premiere order: 204
Episode # in old US premiere order: 205
US premiere date: April 9, 1995
US premiere time: 9 pm
Taping date: March 10, 1995
Written by Russell Marcus
Directed by Sam W. Orender
First camera shot: Peggy says to Kelly that something horrible has happened.
Synopsis: Bud gets hooked on a virtual reality sex experiment, while Al
becomes obsessed with an electrical switch that has an unknown
Recurring character cast:
Griff: Harold Sylvester
Amber: Juliet Tablak
Bob Rooney: E.E. Bell
Guest cast:
Dr. Kessler: J.D. Cullum
Sandy: Elaine Hendrix (David Faustino's girl friend at that time)
Bruno: John Kendall
General note: Bud says he had sex four times so far.
References: The episode title refers to a lie about every TV/HiFi/VCR. :)
Cutting error: When Amber suggests Bud a date, look at her arms.
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