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"Naughty but Niece" (0904)
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Last update December 31, 2001
Episode title: Naughty but Niece
Episode production code: 0904
Episode # in production code order: 187
Episode # in true US premiere order: 186
Episode # in old US premiere order: 187
US premiere date: September 25, 1994
US premiere time: 9 pm
Written by David Castro
Directed by Gerry Cohen
First camera shot: Bud enters with a girl in a sparkling dress.
Synopsis: Bud's intense studying for a scholarship exam makes him periodically
nod off. So is his passionate encounter with Marcy's 19 year-old niece a dream
or is it for real?
Recurring character cast:
Griff: Harold Sylvester
Amber: Juliet Tablak
Guest cast:
Cherise: Heather Paige Kent
Genghis: Joseph Reitman
Breezy: Kirsten Holmquist
Bud's girl: Amber (he has sex with her)
Influences: The episode title is influenced by the saying and movie "Naughty but Nice".
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