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"Sofa so Good" (0815)
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Last update October 19, 1998
Episode title: Sofa so Good
Episode production code: 0815
Episode # in production code order: 172
Episode # in true US premiere order: 170
Episode # in old US premiere order: 171
US premiere date: January 16, 1994
US premiere time: 9 pm
US premiere rating: 12.7
Written by Doug McIntyre
Directed by Amanda Bearse
First camera shot: Bud telephoning a girl called Naomi.
Synopsis: With Al and Peg away for a family reunion in Wanker County,
Bud cedes control of the house to Kelly on Saturday night.
Unfortunately her date destroys Peg's beloved couch, thus
sending Kelly to meet the maker for a replacement.
Guest cast:
Mary: Larry Hankin
Gunther: Mark Matheisen
Naomi: Bryn Erin
General note: Kelly calls her brother "Budrick". Abraham "Abe" Lincoln is on the US$ 5 bill.
Kelly's boyfriend: Gunther
Kelly's boyfriend's wrong expressions: mormon instead of moron.
Bud's date: Naomi
Influences: The episode title is inspired by the phrase "So far so good".
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