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"So this Is How Sinatra Felt" (0612)
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Last update September 27, 2002
Episode title: So this Is How Sinatra Felt
Episode production code: 0612
Episode # in production code order: 117
Episode # in true US premiere order: 116
Episode # in old US premiere order: 117
US premiere date: December 1, 1991
US premiere time: 9 pm
Taping date: November 15, 1991
US premiere rating: 14.0
US premiere share: 20
Written by Stacie Lipp
Directed by Gerry Cohen
First camera shot: Peggy, Kelly and Bud are on the couch, sitting in anticipation.
Synopsis: Peggy sends the kids to spy on Al, to confirm her suspicion that
Al's new-found giddiness is because of an affair, rather than Al's
claim that it's only flirting by a "shoe groupie".
Guest cast:
Ricki: Jessica Hahn (she was in several Playboy issues)
Leona: Maggie Montgomery
General note: Al earns US$ 3.25 per hour.
References: Häagen Dazs is an ice cream store. Johnny Carson was a famous late night talk show host at that
time; he was going to resign after almost 30 years.
Transcript: Available at
Ade Bundy's Internet MWC DataBase and
Married with Children... All Things Episodic.
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